Satanichu's Online Diary
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2003-01-29 - 10:58 a.m.

A fundie demonstrates his Christian love like only a true follower of Jesus can:

OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - God Less America". ***

OnlineHost: Axabraxibalaxaba has entered the room.

Axabraxibalaxaba: is this a promotion of the godless american or an oppostion to it?

Axabraxibalaxaba: you look like a bunch of pathetic weak cowards to me who wont stand up for morality and just decided to give up and fall into it,am i right?

Axabraxibalaxaba: satanic pokemon and shadowed light,youre both so enlightened

Axabraxibalaxaba: i got an idea for you both,go kill yourselves,since theres nothing real to live for anymore do the rest of us a favor and get rid of the disease you are

Axabraxibalaxaba: get out of this world

Axabraxibalaxaba: its already hopeless and ended right? go off yourselves you pathetic cowards,the world needs less of you both

Axabraxibalaxaba: and when your done i'll go shit onyour graves,youre not even worthy of heaven Or respect after your dead bodies are rotting in the ground

OnlineHost: Axabraxibalaxaba has left the room.

Some fundies have lives outside of worshipping their myths. Some find time to discover new options for sexual lubricants.

OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - ChristianCoffeeHouse". ***

IronmanofGod: ::suddenly picturing Maw Maw using astroglide::

ARealHumanBeingx: Bang..who are we talking about..the Jolly Green Giant? 396 inches?

Alssq: REXX is a country boy...8-)

Mwriter35: Rexx, no one uses Crisco...that's so 70s.

BangItHard: that's enough horsepower for real....

OnlineHost: HanEcc has left the room.

ARealHumanBeingx: country boys use lard

Sith Mayden: I never heard about Astroglide until last summer.

IronmanofGod: lol Bang

Alssq: LOL

Mwriter35: I love horse power.

IronmanofGod: 350 hp sound pretty good for the street?

REXX321: the best sexual lube is the glaze from SPAM

ARealHumanBeingx: lolol Rexx

Praise 2Him4all: rex lolololol

Mwriter35: Rex, remind me never to blow you.

Sith Mayden: EEWWWW

ARealHumanBeingx: ewww what a smell

Dreams686: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

BangItHard: astroglide? does is break down under a lot of heat?

Alssq: Oh...a gourmet sex fiend!

Praise 2Him4all: naw bang

IronmanofGod: I know 350 hp is a sleeper in an old Mustang

OnlineHost: GaryIsBlessingU has left the room.

ARealHumanBeingx: Bang.. no way.. not even after 396 strokes

Steve92366: lol

IronmanofGod: I guess it would be similar in a Chevelle

Mwriter35: My dick would be pulp after 396 strokes.

ARealHumanBeingx: Steve.. you are in the fundy-freezone

BangItHard: mustang is a 351 cu in

OnlineHost: Cassie24160 has entered the room.

OnlineHost: Dreams686 has left the room.

IronmanofGod: Bang, I'm talking about a 350 hp Mustang

IronmanofGod: is a sleeper

Praise 2Him4all: thick too bang

BangItHard: old ford engine

ARealHumanBeingx: Bang hangs with some guys that are HUNG! 351 CU IN?

I have discovered how to delist chat rooms on AOL. I went into this one with one person in it, and found the secret.

OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - CHRISTIANTONGUESroom". ***

Satanic Pokemon: bubublbobubolbuobl

Satanic Pokemon: bluobulbuolbuoluboublubl

Satanic Pokemon: bububluboulubolubolubol

Satanic Pokemon: Hm, it's not working.

OnlineHost: Jfreak512 has left the room.

Satanic Pokemon: Ooooh...Maybe it did.

*I leave the room* >:)~


Oh, and special thanks to Atheist Diary for posting the email threat rom Moron of Christ77. Be sure to check it out!

Also, check out the evil spread as only the legendary Jeebus Chrystler can: DragonzLeyr.Net

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