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2003-06-25 - 10:23 a.m.

Lately I've been getting bombarded with random questions like (spelling drastically overhauled in most cases here):

"Why aren't you a Christian?"

"Why do you hate our Father and Savior?"

"Are Hindu alcoholics allowed to drink Beefeater Gin?"

Um, kidding about the last one. But apparently there must be some campaign going on as of late among the fundie ranks to go around questioning non-believers why they are what they are (but aren't so receptive whenever they are themselves asked why they are what they are) as if they are entitled to a detailed recollection of your sense of consciousness and/or spirituality.

Look, kids -- just accept that there are going to be some people who don't hold the same beliefs as you and your futile attempts to force your views upon the rest of humanity will only strengthen resistance to it. Accept who you are, accept who we are and move on with life. If we can do that, hell, we might actually get along.

With all this said, I should be taken out back and shot for not having this site linked to this gem yet. I think it would be cool if one day, any time in the future when non-Christians are being coerced (i.e. do it or risk being ostracized) into Christian prayer at school, football games or whatever to memorize these words and recite it while they're chanting to the sky fairy. Imagine the reaction.

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Queer Eye For The Savior Guy - 2003-08-02
To whom it may concern... - 2003-06-25
Getting in touch with my inner deity - 2003-06-13
Jesus In Drag - 2003-06-11
Heathen Sunday - 2003-05-20

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