Satanichu's Online Diary
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2003-02-25 - 2:20 a.m.

There are followers, and then there are leaders.

Yes, there are always those who find solace in following the herd through trends and whatever else everyone else is doing. In the process, human robots are created.

I think that American culture nurtures this. Capitalism only works if the masses can be steered towards the latest fad. If everyone woke up tomorrow being able to think for themselves and not worry about what clothes others are wearing, what TV shows they're watching or what religion they follow, a lot of people wouldn't be making as much money as they do.

Worse, it promotes mediocrity as a means of conformity. That's why no one in class wants to answer a question the teacher asks out of fear of looking geeky. Being intelligent is the exception, not the rule, and it's not "cool" to be the exception to the rule when you're in a flock of these sheep.

A long time ago, before there were online diaries, I decided I didn't care what others thought. I'm going to live for myself and not for what others want. It's my life, not theirs.

So, not a day goes by without some ignorant fuck criticizing me for, among the usual things like my absence of belief in sky fairies, my choice to sit in my own chat room with a couple friends rather than in a room full of morons parroting scriptures and praises to said sky fairy.

The reigning king of Diaryland's Dark Side, Atheist Diary, makes a cameo appearance in this close encounter of the moronic kind.


OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - ��GOD�LESS�AMERICA��". ***

OnlineHost: Jmk12400 has entered the room.

Jmk12400: who is dumb enough to make this chatroom?

Jmk12400: Who is the owner of this chatroom?

Satanic Pokemon: Who is dumb enough to not swallow and prevent your birth?

Satanic Pokemon: Your mom?

Jmk12400: Good one, your jokes wont be funny when your not right with God

Satanic Pokemon: I made this chat. You have a problem with it?

Satanic Pokemon: I know "your" from "you're." Apparently grammar is not part of the Sunday school curriculum.

Jmk12400: I do have a problem with it, you are confused in life

Atheist Diary: Jmk: sounds like a personal problem to me.

Atheist Diary: And ya know, I'd like to say that I care.

Atheist Diary: But I don't.

Atheist Diary: so *click*

Satanic Pokemon: I don't care to hear your problems. Call Dr. Laura.

Jmk12400: it is a personal problem to you

Satanic Pokemon: Why in the hell do you care what I believe?

Jmk12400: Good luck with you three people in your chat!

Satanic Pokemon: Piss off.

Satanic Pokemon: Until you leave, it's four.

Jmk12400: Sure- There are REAL chatrooms to go to-With many people in them!

Satanic Pokemon: Learn to count, you intellectual bottom-feeder.

Jmk12400: God Bless you

Satanic Pokemon: A room of three intelligent people is better than one with 20 total morons.

Satanic Pokemon: Why don't you go rejoin your flock of sheep?

Jmk12400: you wish you had 20 morons in here, so you have to suffer with 3!

Jmk12400: I will

Jmk12400: Later! God Bless

OnlineHost: Jmk12400 has left the room.

Satanic Pokemon: A small pack of wolves can devour a large flock of sheep.

Which one are you?

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