Satanichu's Online Diary
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2003-01-22 - 3:39 p.m.

Before I begin this rant I must say one thing: Mind of Christ77 is the most idiotic person to whom I have ever spoken. Yes, I have already ranted about him before, and he really doesn't deserve two. But I figured I would post what he has to say on his home page, just to be fair, and let you - the reader - make the call.

Requirements: A lot of time to waste and a Fucktard-to-English pocket translator. I have kept all the incorrect spelling, usage, syntax and other linguistic abnormalities so as to preserve the full effect of the stupidity. Nothing has been changed.

And here it is; hide the women and children (and their IQs) because the Marauding Mind of Christ in a stupid fundie's body is attacking!

The Lost Sheep That want to stay Lost

Satanic Pokemon12 is my decoy scree name , READ ON

P.S This is based on a real story but the names are hidden except for my own. AND Let everyone know All this is only a screen name i have taken to as a decoy and the screen name IDontTalkToMorons123 doesn't exist also lol. The reason i did this is so that i would not be in AOL Violation. IM ME for REAL INFO On this if you care to. i have set him as an example but i have not used his sc name but i have used a dumb made up one. HE knows who he is. Son i'm one step ahead of you lol so give it a rest. Ok this is how he is. Which i like to call " THe Sheep That want to stay Lost" SatanicPokemon12 is most likely a person that fits this profile perfectly. This is one of the many people i have met online that that said he was looking for answers yet when we started into a converstation i saw who he was, he was not a person looking for answer but excuses and a fight.A sheep in wolves clothing..... Most likely a kid lookin for a buzz off other faiths. see that he poses himself as a person that looks for answers but as i talked to him later on he began to say insults to me and the thing that had me laughing the most is that he posted some person who was morg394 as me i known that me and him share the same account because my family is a close family and constantly busy family but we don't share the same screen name. I can see how he could think it was me , but lol think again baby . I Can't control what other people do on this computer. My Whole life is not around AOL all the time of this computer. If they see a reason to laugh at this dude then whatever. Quite cryin about everything. that is another reason why this person and people liek hi are annoying they blow the siren on everyone else but themselves. "o spare me" what they do is on them. But just don't do it on my screen name and as you see there is difference on how i talk and how morg394 talks. And look at our profiles Hers is Morg394 and Mine is Mind of christ77. LOL what does he think i do , go around makin profiles lol please that's for people with no-lives. You know the type of people that come home from a hard days work and go straight to the computer and do nothin but chat rooms all day.but what was said on that sight once i looked it up for myself, it was very funny. Come on Darkness against child abuse? pretty funny lol. lol kind of like darkness with a conscience. what kind of darkness is that. I thought to abuse a child is to be dark and live in darkness. LOL so it's darkness against darkness. Truely what kind of people are these people. They have really twisted and warped thinking. That is not twisted on us but that is twisted on themselves. Jesus said Satan's kingdom can never rise if he goes against himself. you see Satanic Pokemon12 gets some kind of pleasure out of posting copies of poeple who i can say are christians and are rude sometimes. I don't argree with this in anyway how they say the things they say but Satanic Pokemon12 post as room that insults them and then he expects that they are to all treat him like "o that's ok" no there is a reason of why they act the way they are acting. What they said they were compelled to say.Satanic Pokemon12 is probably person who i'm thinkin ranges around the age of 15 to 17 really cares for people being interested in reading all this what is on his web page which really is out of sight and can't be seen unless you go into it. i don't know how he made morg394 out to be me because you can see who we are in how we talk but o well i don't really care to look deep into how his thought it was me. No offence but i do not care much for AOL life, i am a busy man and only writing this to shut him up. lol he e-mailed me and also imed me to ask me where my web page was on him lol ,First of all i was joking i do not care about writing and pasting and copying all what he has to say but to him this seems to matter. But that is for poeple that make AOL at least 50% of their life. I sorry but i don't have time lol to write and write and copy and copy and past all of what someone says because they don't agree with me and they are of another religion. but i don't know maybe this is what makes him happy. SO Satanic Pokemon12 if you are reading this know this. i don't care about copying and pasting all of what you have to say , what are we kids 5 and 6,"ooooooooo you said that and i'm tellin" o please , anyone with a social life can see that is patheic. Listen you have a brain , copy and paste it there. But this man gets his jollies off making web pages on it. hay let him have it. But i don't have time for it. Let me tell you a story , i came to satanic pokemon12 . and i said come with me to a chat room so we can talk because he gave me a sight and i looked over it and i was going to chat with him on the existance of God because that was the conversation. So He sets me up with a link to His chat room he made, and i began to explain the existance of God and he had nothin but insults for me and i didn't say all of what i had to say, you see he does not Paste that on his web page but me and him know what happened, so i broke it down for him , he was not looking for answers he was looking for excuses to not believe in God. In the middle of my converstation be left and said his system crashed mean while the other person in the room is just listening and hearing me out. He comes in says " Is this fool still rabbling on" and keep in mind i was in the room for a very short time. He trys to get a rise out of the person that was in the room and said nothing but insults for me and i just said whatever. you see i saw through him for what he was. he was never looking to talk this out even though he said he was. He was looking for an excuse , no he has me posted up as person with the sc name morg394 and makes me this person. the one thing i find the most funnest thing ever is that HE NEVER POSTS his constant insults when i was constantly nice to him. but people this is how his mind works. The thing that we also talked about was how old the earth was , now please people come on i said i was not born and nether were you. and he is going on and on about how science can prove it saying they found bones four billion years old, WHAT A JOKE. any person with a brain can see this is rediculous. no one was around. and they are just guessing how old the world is and Satanic Pokemon12 is taking this like some kind of religion.I asked him to tell me how he knows and he goes on and on about how science knows. in lamens terms he taking what other people said and using that like it is really a fact , but i was being real with him , I don't know and you don't know and it is impossible to know. So why worrying about the impossible And he knows that some things are impossible to know but he still goes on and on about how he knows because of what people told him. And when i talked about how their were swimming dinosaurs being found on moutain tops and this would mean that the world was covered with water as when we talked about the world wide flood as talked about in the bible there. all the swimming dinosaurs bones where found on land and yet he said that proves nothing. Now if that doesn't i don't know what does. Can you see how narrow minded he is and how much he only hears himself. He can not deny the fact that waters once coved the whole earth yet he denys it constantly, even though he lives by the whole dinosaur talk and talking all about them and even admiting that swimming dinosaurs bones were found in moutain tops by saying that " their bones found in moutains proves nothing". Yet look at how he goes on and on. You know some people don't want to believe they are wrong and this kid is clrealy shown as one of them , so i say whatever , some people only believe what they want to believe. but look at this and this will show you me, i was Mind of Christ77 and i was Reality Pokemon and see how they talk and then look at morg394 and how he talks we can clearly see who is who. but this kid seems to think it's me it's me , that shows you how he thinks. But this guy was funny , i didn't get it until i looked at the sight Atheist Diary. well that's all i have to say about that lol i'm tired all this writing This is boring but this kid finds it fun to do all this LOL go figure but here is an example on he's attitude and i just imed him to say this was ready and this is how he answers me " Satanic Pokemon12: moron. You have to save your webpage first" and that is very small compared to how he was to me when we were talking. I didn't know what you had to do at first but as you can see . he has a very stern and has rude remarks to everything. but you wont see it on his web page because he trys to pass himself off as a good guy but let me push back the vail and show you how he is. The sas thing is Satanic Pokemon12 an insulting person and that is why i leave him alone. he imed me under a screen name IDon'TTalk2Morons234 and still is trying to talk and he said he was going to go away for good, how Pathetic, YOU SEE HOW THESE PEOPLE TURN INTO STALKERS

Does Satanic Pokemon12 want answers to his questions?

No he does not , as i said before when i tried to talk to him he had nothing but insults for me the whole way This Guy has a big communicating problem with people HE TALKS LIKE HE HAS Teret Syndrome ROFL and can't help it, this is one of our conversations but this is only a little bit compared to how he really was like He was MUCH WORSE THAN THIS. No i could go into insult and cursing seeing that cursing is slang and not as sin. i could have mad him look dumb but i killed him off with kindness , lol you should have saw how made he was. here is some of what he had to say in one of our talks and see how he doesn't speak for himself but uses sites to talk for him. it not like he went into what the sight was about and made an issuse on what he was say. lol he was just trying to get me to here and ther lol. this shows he doesn;t thik for himself

Satanic Pokemon12: haha. I'm not lost, you're the one lost in your mythology.

Mind of Christ77: u have shown me nothing

Mind of Christ77: you can't prove that

Mind of Christ77: i tried to talk to you

Satanic Pokemon12: There will be a future era where they talk about christianity in the same light as greek mythology.

Satanic Pokemon: Look...

Mind of Christ77: nothin but insults

Mind of Christ77: but don't go on about how i'm lost

Satanic Pokemon12: You're the one making the positive claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Mind of Christ77: you never had nothin to say or begin with

Satanic Pokemon12: No, that's evident on my web page.

Mind of Christ77: no really it's funny

Mind of Christ77: i was rolling when you said that swimming dinosaurs bones found in mountains proves nothing about a flood

Satanic Pokemon12: haha you wasted all this time on this web page, and you have proved nothing. Typical raving fundie christard, big on talk but can't deliver the goods.

Mind of Christ77: that showed my point and it is pasted on your web page

Satanic Pokemon12: Can you find me the science journal that has this?

Mind of Christ77: that a good lookout all on it's own

Mind of Christ77: you admit swimming dinosaurs bones found in mountains

Mind of Christ77: yet you deny a flood

Satanic Pokemon12: If you can't find me proof, I'm going to assume you're pulling this out of your ass.

Mind of Christ77: spare me

Mind of Christ77: o no

Mind of Christ77: proof i have

Satanic Pokemon12: The flood does not prove the existence of god.

Satanic Pokemon12: Even IF it happened

Mind of Christ77: these bones were not found at the bottom of the ocean

Satanic Pokemon12: geologists can't even agree on it.

Mind of Christ77: but they were found on land

Mind of Christ77: even you know that

Mind of Christ77: and on your web page

Mind of Christ77: it is posted

Mind of Christ77: which gives me a foot hold

Mind of Christ77: haha

Satanic Pokemon12: No it's not, everyone who has read that has said you make no sense.

Mind of Christ77: 8-)

Satanic Pokemon12: whatever. Christian thought is based on self-deceit, and that's all you're rolling in.

Mind of Christ77: ha ha , you are my witness on how you make no sense

Satanic Pokemon12: whatever.

Satanic Pokemon12: where's this proof, christard?

Mind of Christ77: please stop all this pokemon crap

Mind of Christ77: i can't stand that cartoon

Satanic Pokemon12: what? You're the one who made the gawddamn screen name mimicking mine!

Satanic Pokemon12: You no-life loser

Mind of Christ77: yea to mock , i hate pokemon

Mind of Christ77: it;s dumb

Mind of Christ77: for kids

Satanic Pokemon12: read my page and I explain why I have this name

Mind of Christ77: you mite as well talk about superman

Mind of Christ77: or power rangers

Mind of Christ77: they are the same way

Mind of Christ77: weak and old

Satanic Pokemon12: whatever. You're retarded.

Mind of Christ77: lol yea whatever

Satanic Pokemon12: go pray to your spook

Mind of Christ77: no not spook , my God

Mind of Christ77: you have not proven he doens't exist

Satanic Pokemon12: he might put a lump of coal in your stocking if you don't, lol

Mind of Christ77: you have shown me nothing

Satanic Pokemon: Satanic Pokemon12: You're the one making the positive claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Mind of Christ77: that is what i really find strange

Satanic Pokemon12: Satanic Pokemon12: You're the one making the positive claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Satanic Pokemon12: Satanic Pokemon12: You're the one making the positive claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Satanic Pokemon12: Satanic Pokemon12: You're the one making the positive claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Mind of Christ77: LOL it is on you to say how he doesn;t exist

Mind of Christ77: Mind of Christ77: LOL it is on you to say how he doesn;t exist

Satanic Pokemon12: You can't avoid it. It's like claiming a UFO exists.

Mind of Christ77: Mind of Christ77: Mind of Christ77: LOL it is on you to say how he doesn;t exist

Mind of Christ77: Mind of Christ77: Mind of Christ77: LOL it is on you to say how he doesn;t exist

Mind of Christ77: does that prove anything by scolling no

Satanic Pokemon12: hahahahahaha what an immature raving christard

Satanic Pokemon12: I had to repeat it since you missed it the first time.

Mind of Christ77: o jesus more pokemon stuff

Mind of Christ77: please spare me

Mind of Christ77: come one at least come up to date

Mind of Christ77: on

Satanic Pokemon12: go to, find your god, and come back.

Satanic Pokemon12: then we'll debate some more.

Mind of Christ77: lol , you tell me, all you do is give me sites, can't you speak for yourself or do you really on others

Mind of Christ77: lol

Satanic Pokemon12: you rely on your mythical god.

Mind of Christ77: rely

Mind of Christ77: Lol

Satanic Pokemon12: what's the difference? You should rely on a dictionary, then your spelling wouldn't suck.

Satanic Pokemon12: Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology, Folklore, and Legends.

Mind of Christ77: riddle me this

Mind of Christ77: there you go again given me more sites

Mind of Christ77: give your own info

Satanic Pokemon12: where's YOUR own info? Are you some sort of scientist?

Mind of Christ77: stop relying on others

Mind of Christ77: i speak it out

Mind of Christ77: not , o look here

Mind of Christ77: and here

Mind of Christ77: please:-

Mind of Christ77: that shows weakness

Satanic Pokemon12: Well, if you can't reference your information, it's invalid. Try writing a term paper without references, and see what grade you get.

Mind of Christ77: the only person i can say i have ever talked to that new all of what they have to say was Wendys

Mind of Christ77: she could talk out like that but you rely on sites

Mind of Christ77: hoping i go there

Mind of Christ77: relying on others

Mind of Christ77: well peace out

Satanic Pokemon12: Yahweh

Here's your myth

Mind of Christ77: i have given me no info

Mind of Christ77: lol there you go again

Mind of Christ77: o let me post this

Satanic Pokemon12: so you're pulling this all out of your ass.

Mind of Christ77: i can show people how much you rely on sites

Mind of Christ77: and can't speak for yourself

Mind of Christ77: look for an update

Satanic Pokemon12: yeah, I can back my stuff up with scholarly evidence.

Mind of Christ77: ;-)

Satanic Pokemon12: I'm posting this as well.

Mind of Christ77: this will be fun

Mind of Christ77: please

Mind of Christ77: please post this

Mind of Christ77: so they can see how you are

Mind of Christ77: how you have insulted me and how i said nothing wrong to you

Mind of Christ77: and how you keep relying on others

Mind of Christ77: to answer for you

Mind of Christ77: please post it

Mind of Christ77: i know i am

Satanic Pokemon12: you are so stupid, you deserve to be insulted.

You see how we can't talk like adults but we have to go into acting like kids. You see i was look for us to discuss like friends not debate like enemies, we where to discuss and then it turned into a crul debate. but i have no need to insult so i let that alone. and hay as i say for his web page , lol report him , he is in AOL Violation. For this clearly sad man's real screen Im Me and i will tell you. But know this , sad came to me and was trying to get me to remove this web page trying to sway me towards it and when i asked him was he trying to do that he lied. but do i look like. a sucker! lol . no i'm not getting rid of it he let's his stand and trys to pass himself off as a good preson but if you would see clearly this is a person that is lying about who he is. lol the reason i am not right down examples for so many other people is because i don't care for typing for hours. copy and pasting so i will just let him stand a an example to how some people are. I am not doing this really to bash him lol or out of fun i have better things to do with my Time . This is boring. HE ASKED ME TO MAKE THIS WEB PAGE. LOL SO I MADE IT.I DON'T CARE TO HAVE THIS WEB PAGE AND DID NOT WANT IT BUT HE WOULD NOT LEAVE SO I MADE IT TO SHUT HIM UP. Thank God lol.

and it is people like him that say they look for answers but really look for excuses.

And Let this Echo throughout Etenity This Man Has deleted his Web page publicly out of Fear that i would report him constantly because he knew he was wrong on what he did to those people he tempted and tried to get and force, rude remarks out of them and and then post their remarks out of anger on his public web page web page for them to be ridiculed and make them and the group they are with look like bad people and make him look like is the victim when really he was the predator , NOW WHO HAS THE LAST LAUGH. HA HA HA! Jan. 21 2003. Tuesday 10:21 am victory has been won. But let it be known this is not about me agianst him, i was only against what he was doing to people , if he chooses to do it again that is on him. but let it be known his attacks have lost this war. Let this Show that his Methods were curl false and wrong and that is why he had to deleted it publicly and probably for good. Let that be shown. He is Now out of AOL WEB PAGING and had to go to another place and OFF of AOL home page. LOL that shows what he is all about. This is the Funny thing , Satanic Pokemon12 is still on that Pokemon Crap . Talkin about Aol island , Volcano Island , PLEASE GIVE UP THE POKEMON, IT'S OLD and GARBAGE. i bet people think your a kid the first time they see you , he must have Pokemon cards and wallpaper all over his walls and sleeps in a pokemon bed with pokemon bed covers lol. At first i said their is no reason to report him but this is what he doesn't talk on his new Web PAGE off AOL about How He kept IM Ing me over and over and over and over so i said that's it , i'm reporting you for your web page. He had his chance to go away. i kept asking him but he would not leave me alone , and so i got sick and tired of babysitting him and holding his hand so i put an end to his STALKING. AMEN AND PREACH THE TRUTH. SO I SAID, I AM REPORTING YOU FOR YOU WEB PAGE AND I DID. AND I GOT A JOY OUT OF IT BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE. So i shut him up the hard way And this dude is still in Violation of AOL because HE is using An AOL Profile to get out that web page that is still on me , Duh , i can still report you for harassment to AOL because you have my sc name on a link to a site on your profile WHICH IS ON AOL. Hay guineas do yourself a favor and get MSN maybe that will work for you lol. lol what kind of dude is this and o yea here is where it get's funny he says in this Online web page LINKED THROUGH AOL That say at the end of it and i quote. copy and paste it . it says Satanic12 Pokemon: shut up. This is the last time I'm talking to you. Unlike you, I mean it.And then Later On He IMs me again under another screen name IDon'tTalk2Mornos123 and says after he said he is done talked to be. " Happy TOS and puts a smiley at the end of it , LOL like i'm his friend That's a joke. and i even think he called me pal, in that IM , so what i did is report him , i didn't even IM him Back , Because i am tired of dealing with him , and i don't care to report that site even though i Can, WHY? BECAUSE I DON'T CARE , GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD POKEMON MASTER ,ASH Catchem :::: Mocking him, Pointing and laughing at him::::: and don't IM me ever again with non sence or rude talking. im me when you are really looking for answers and no excuses you can just leave me alone it's your choice but know this even on your Online Diary you still make yourself look stupid, :::Laughs:::: and some people might say why are you so hard on him , hay baby this is tough love. i am only showing him what he has shown.i don't care about this dude being on AOL , but when he comes to me ask for me to make a web page on him and goes on a on IM ing me , i am going to make the web page. But let this be the LAST.

Should you talk to him about GOD?

.Just let him make that choise , God forces himself on no one so why are you trying to. But don't give up on him as a lost cause. But as i said when he said the burden of proving God is on you and with you the burden of him not existing is on you yet he said to me it is not on him , in other words he said i should prove God exists and that he does not have to prove God doesn't exsit yet he said i have to prove God does exist , Kinda one sided ain't it. But as i said to him he has to prove as well as i have to. Well i can't say he is a good person to talk things out with unless you into throwing insults at each other back and forth and that is what ends a converstation that is why i don't go into it because lol i'm good at insulting people and haven even tooken it up as an art and i would do it for the fun of it but i set all that aside but know this what we are to do is not to force the faith on him. Let him seek that out for himself. Because what it all comes down to is this of Our Existance. Ether we meaning rocks, people, animals, planets, space rocks, everything in space and universe and the sun, and everything there is that is in existance just came into existace out of nowhere or their is a Being that is Great In Power in Created Everything. God says to all those that die without believing there is a God when they step before him. and this is in God's Word (The Bible) It talks about a person that didn't know there was a God and he died without Him and then he asked God how was i to know you existed and God looks at him (probably in amazment) and says bluntly you should have known looking at all of the things that Exist like The Sun, the Trees, The earth, and the stars and sky (meaning the heavens) and you should have known there was a God. Even people of other countries know there is a God. because they know that things didn't not just make themselves. But Atheist i believe need to look at this for themselves. really ask yourselves how does the bones or swimming dinosaurs wind up on mountains and on land which would prove the world wide flood and there is even a verse in the bible that talks about history which is real they should examine all of jewish history and see how the history in the bible lines up with real history. Let them see that for themselves. Let them make their own choises. but my words to them are "Be True and Be Wise" , we all are gonna die within at least 100 years or less, we don't live long the most people live to be only 60 70 or 80 and then die most people are blessed to live longer but that is not pomised and they live a long and boring life because all the fun is basicly over if they don't really take care of their body but death is promised to all of us, so be smart , look this over. Look over the jewish history look over the history of who the jewish people fought against, look over everything about how there are so many languages and it talks about how God caused all those people to speak different languages at the tower of bable and see people speak so many languages. we don't live long , we all die, life is short so make sure this is the real truth about life. look it all over because life is to short. so eternity is so long. think of life as this

Life= 10,20,30,40,50 Least when you life is cut short by an early death

Life= 60, 70,minimum 80, 90 middle

Life= 127 years at the maximum and

Eternity= 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ and it goes on and on and that is just the beginning of eternity

Being wrong on the existance of God is a horrible thing to be wrong about once you time is up on earth.

This is a link to his actual page. I doubt this turd's going to have the equal courtesy to link to this page, don't you?

Sheesh. When a christian becomes "born-again," why don't their mothers get a second chance to swallow?

If you didn't see the first installment on this diary about this fucktard, see my oldest entry.

Rubicon of Tears: For the sake of all christendom, I hope that boy is NOT the mind of christ...

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Queer Eye For The Savior Guy - 2003-08-02
To whom it may concern... - 2003-06-25
Getting in touch with my inner deity - 2003-06-13
Jesus In Drag - 2003-06-11
Heathen Sunday - 2003-05-20

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