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2003-02-08 - 2:31 p.m.

Only in America, the double-standard capital of the world, can we "outlaw" certain drugs - that is, put their distribution and tax-free profits in the hands of criminal cartels while arresting the small percentage of users the catch - in the name of "morality," while you can't avoid a commercial on TV about some "wonder drug" pharmaceutical that doesn't always tell necessarily for what it's used, but there's a bunch of happy-looking people on the screen while they machine-gun out the myriad side effects and other health warnings and tell you to ask their doctor.

Oh, this pill might cause stomach bleeding. Oh, this one might complicate your asthma. Ask your doctor.

Meanwhile, millions of people smoke cannabis (the true word for the propagandistic "marijuana") without the benefit of medical supervision, yet it has killed no one.

This is a topic I feel strongly about, and something I started researching for a paper I wrote in high school when I was 16. The more I read into it the more I realized that these "controlled substances" cannot be controlled unless you decriminalize and tax them, and that the hypocritical Christian right is what is holding back progress.

Asa Hutchinson III, the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (created in 1971 by the most corrupt presidency in the history of the country) says that the nation has a drug problem and the way to solve it is through the law - " the law saying it's wrong because it's immoral."

There we have it, folks. Legislated and enforced morals. Next they'll be passing a bill forcing me to go to church each Sunday. Hell, let's bring the Taliban's Shariah moral police over here to herd us to the football stadiums for public hangings of pot smokers from the goal posts! I bet that sounds good to you if you're one of those ever-loving Christians who couldn't imagine that godless ol' Satanichu here would one day be able to smoke pot in his own home in this country (not others with more common-sense laws like the Netherlands) and not have to worry about the cops beating down his door - and his face, if he says anything to the slimy fucks.

Oh, but look at the people who do go to church every Sunday. The hypo-Christians who smoke those cigarettes and drink those beers. I drink beer too and I don't smoke cigarettes, but whether anyone is going to do those things is a matter of individual choice and not the government's business as long as nobody is being endangered. AND IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, EITHER.

Then, it comes down to common sense. Driving drunk is wrong, but drinking a beer in your house is not. The difference? Driving drunk puts people on the road in danger. Smoking a cigarette in a nursing home filled with people gasping for air is wrong, but smoking a cigarette in your house is not.

So if they don't want me smoking a joint (a cannabis cigarette, for those who don't know) while I'm driving, I can understand that. But what's wrong with me doing it alone in my own home?

The explanation I get from the hypo-Christians is usually something along the lines of "it's not your body; it's the Lord's." If I don't believe in this "Lord" of yours, then If they're your morals, you follow them. If smoking pot is wrong according to your religion, don't do it. For all you know, it might be part of mine.

This nation's experiment with prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s failed, and was lifted due to its failure. But by then, racial hatred of Mexicans and blacks who used cannabis was deeply entrenched, and this ignorance led to lies such as these people would meet, smoke pot and then go out and kill people. A cabal of businessmen whose profits would benefit from the outlawing of hemp, the most versatile and useful industrial and medical plant on earth, teamed to spread lies and force the laws through Congress without them even knowing that "marijuana" - remember, the propaganda word - was in fact hemp, thus sneaking it through without outrage from farmers who grew hemp for industrial uses.

Saying the word "legalization" around anti-pot proponents sends them into visions of a stoned America, unproductive and lazy. When we "decriminalized" alcohol - yes, "decriminalized" because untaxed booze is illegal - did we become a nation of drunks?

Use of cannabis is holding steady or slowly rising, so the current policy is not working to stamp out use. It will never be stamped out, no matter if we throw every pot smoker in jail. Hell, there's more drugs behind bars than on the streets. We throw a million people in jail over cannabis alone each year in this country.

An interesting statistic is that while an estimated 25 percent of American high school seniors are past-month cannabis users, there is a European country where an estimated 16 percent of high school seniors are past-month cannabis users. That country? The Netherlands, where possession and sale of small amounts of cannabis have been decriminalized since 1976.

When I make this point, I get a puzzling response from the hypo-Christians and other anti-pot crusaders: "Their culture is different from ours." Is that to say that they're more responsible than Americans? Sounds like we need to take more responsibility for our own actions and quit blaming our problems on drugs, atheists, video games, or the latest Eminem album - all these things the hypo-Christians tend to label in their mythology "Satan."

I'm not going to claim to be an original source of information on this. I direct your attention to these links for more on the subject.

DRCNet: The largest online library of drug policy

Alternet: Drug Reporter (For Drug War-related news often ignored in the mainstream media)

NORML Official Site - National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws

I will add more links as necessary.

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